Friday, 12 August 2016

The fly trap got fried

It seems that 3 hours in the x-ray machine was too much for our fly trap. The edges of the trap got burnt and dried up. The head containing the moth is dying. Here is a picture. You can see where the moth's wings are sticking out and where the trap has gone brown and yellow around the outside.

Now we have to start over again! We will have to get another insect, put it in the trap and scan it again. Although this time we will scan it for a much shorter time - we have to learn from our mistakes!

P.S. You may have noticed the unusual background in the picture. This is because I went on holiday and didn't want to leave the flytrap on it's own in case it dried out, so it came with us! Here is a picture of it with some of our luggage in the back of the car. It is now very well travelled as came with us to Leeds and back!

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