Friday, 20 May 2016

Where can we get a flytrap from?

The first thing we needed to set up our experiment was a Venus flytrap plant. My friend Julia has a large Venus flytrap in her conservatory. One day, when she was weeding it, she accidently pulled out some smaller plants from the mother plant. She put two into tea cups and one into a small terracotta pot to see if they would survive. The mother plant and the three babies can be seen in the picture.

The baby plants lived and Julia kindly gave me the one in the terracotta pot for our experiment. She gave me three very important instructions:
  1. Always keep it wet - in the wild, flytraps grow in bogs, which are very wet environments
  2. Only water it with rain water - nothing else!
  3. Put it in the sunniest place possible.

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